How To Help Obese Kids Lose Weight?

Balancing the calories your child consumes with the calories used up through physical activity is important in helping your child maintain a healthy weight. Obese children can

achieve healthy weight and growth with the help of their parents and family.

Ways to Deal with Obesity in Children:

-Balancing Calories

Help kids develop healthy eating habits by making favorite dishes healthier and by reducing calorie-rich temptations. Provide plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole-grain products. Include low-fat or non-fat milk or dairy products. Choose lean meats, poultry, fish, lentils and beans for protein and limit sugar-sweetened beverages, sugar, sodium and saturated fat.

Help Kids stay Active

Help your kids understand the benefits of being physically active. Children and teens should participate in at least 60 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity most days of the week, and every day if possible. Encourage outdoor play. Some examples of

moderate-intensity physical activity include: brisk walking, playing tag, jumping rope, playing soccer, swimming and dancing.

-Reduce Sedentary Time

Reduce television viewing and computer games to a total of less than two hours per day for school-aged children and less than one hour per day for preschoolers and toddlers.

-Provide Healthy Snacks

Snacking is an important part of children’s eating habits and shouldn’t be discouraged – just make sure the snacks are mostly low in calories. Fruits and vegetables make excellent snacks.

-Serve Reasonably Sized Portions

Some children will clear their plate at dinnertime, no matter how big the serving size, so give them a little less. Serving 10 or 20 per cent less over time can make a significant difference.

-Limit Takeaway Meals

Try to have takeaway food less often. Takeaway food is often higher in salt and fat than home-cooked meals. Obese kids should be provided nutritious home cooked meals.

-Make Mealtime a Happy Time

Enjoy mealtimes together whenever possible. Involve everyone in preparing healthy meals together.

-Encourage Kids to Drink Plenty of Water

Encourage them to drink water instead of energy, fizzy or flavored juices. Most of these juices contain added color and preservatives.


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