7 Unexpected Reasons From Which You Are Getting Fat

If your scales don’t show your healthy life style, there is maybe a hidden reason for that.
Even though through the food and the physical activity we can have an impact on our look, there are some things that are not up to us.

10 Effective Natural Ways to Burn Belly Fat Tips !

Every woman loves to fit
into the slim jeans that she has in her wardrobe. But, more often than not, she would be finding it difficult to wear the jeans due to the excess baggage that she is carrying around her waistline. If you are also a victim of excessive fat deposits around your waistline, then you need not worry about it anymore. You also do not need to undergo painful and expensive medical procedures to get rid of the excess belly fat. There are less painful and cost effective tips that you can follow that will help you to get the desired belly size that you have been longing for some time. The following are some of the belly flattening tips that have been suggested by experienced nutrition and health experts to shrink your tummy size to size zero.  These tips will help you to easily wear those slim fit and low waist jeans that you always wanted to wear.

What happens to your waistline when you drink a glass of red wine before bed

Not all drinks and beverages are bad for health, of course some are filled with sugar or corn syrup, and they will not help reach the health goals. There are some drinks that do not hurt the waistline but can be beneficial instead. Having a glass of red wine to unwind at the end of a long day is a pretty common habit. And luckily, it turns out there are a lot of amazing red wine health benefits. But one that everybody may not be aware of is weight loss!

Five of the most common mistakes we do in the kitchen that make us gain weight

The way we prepare and consume the food could be a common reason for gaining weight or making the process of losing weight more difficult. Nevertheless, these mistakes can be easily corrected and replaced with healthy alternatives.

Do You Want To Lose Weight, But You Have A Slow Metabolism? Here’s What You Need To Do!

Sometimes, people can diet and work out and track their calories and do everything right- but still not lose weight. Losing weight is confusing enough without all the gimmicks and conflicting advice, but what’s the deal when the weight loss efforts suddenly stall? All the workouts and exercise don’t seem to work!!! Diet also seems to backfire!!! There might be other factors which may be affecting the weight loss. Slow metabolism may be one of them.

4 Ways To Lose Weight Without The Gym

For many people, weight loss is a long-term goal. However, rather than planning for it and moving toward this goal now, many people put off indefinitely and plan to hit the gym or change their eating habits when they have more time.

10 Pre and Post Eating Habits That Are Ruining Your Weight Loss Goals

For most people in the United States, dinner is the largest meal of the day. Though other cultures regard dinner as a light snack to prepare the body for rest, in this culture, dinner is the highlight of the day. However, if you do not follow simple rules before and after eating, you could be contributing to weight gain and digestive problems.

Mistakes That We Make When We are on Diet

Going on a diet is a terrific idea when you want to keep fit and lose some unwanted fats in your body. However, you need discipline and self-control to complete your diet program. In order to ensure the success of your
diet, you have to take note of these common mistakes that people make when dieting.

Thighs, Stomach or Butt: 5 Tips to Get Rid Of Fat Deposits on Different Body Parts!

How many times have you ever wondered why the fat is deposited on one part of your body? Now scientists say it is because of certain habits that we practice every day.

Depending on what are your critical body areas, you can lose weight with a few tips.

Never Do This In the Evening, If You Want To Reduce Fat!

Recent studies have confirmed the association of cortisol with abdominal fat.
Cortisol is a hormone that the body releases to deal with stress, and unfortunately, high levels of cortisol are associated with increased levels of abdominal fat.

Lose Fat In Your Waist, Legs And Hips In Record Time

How to lose weight on a particular part of the body, like the waist or
legs, and that it does not affect your figure, read how you can solve this problem and get rid of the extra fat.

6 Activities To Do To Lose Big Tummy In 6 Days

Everybody, and I mean everybody wants a flat belly. Not only that we look good with it, but it has a lot f other health benefits like not worrying about cholesterol or heart disease.

Checkout the tips below. Follow them and get a flat belly in less than a week.

1. Avoid sodium. Eating salty foods can retain more fluid in the body. As much as possible avoid foods that have high sodium content, including microwaveable meals. Instead, opt for a chicken salad or even a turkey sandwich for lunch. It also helps if you eat more fruits and vegetables without adding salt to your meals.

2. Go for a lowcarb diet. Bagels and pasta taste good, but they are not for people who want to control their weight. Have eggs for breakfast instead and eat foods that are rich in protein as well as those with low fat content, such as nuts and cheese. If you want to consume carbs, brown rice is a much better option than pasta, potatoes, and other starchy foods.

3. Limit milk consumption. If you are lactose intolerant, you do not have the ability to break down sugar that is present in milk. This explains why you feel gassy, bloated, or you experience cramps after eating dairy
products, such as milk. As an alternative, try hard cheeses or yogurt or other dairy products that do not have lactose.

4. Eat the right fruits. While fruits are generally healthy, you may want to choose those that contain balanced amounts of glucose and fructose, which include grapes, citrus fruits, and berries. Apples, pears, and honeydew are also healthy, but they have more fructose, causing your tummy to find it more difficult to digest them.

5. Say no to spicy foods. When you consume spicy foods, they will encourage your stomach to release more acid. This will cause irritation and it is not good if you are trying to lose the belly fat in less than seven days. You can still use other seasoning, but choose dried or fresh herbs to stay on the healthy side.

6. Cut the CRAP. CRAP stands for caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol, and processed foods. These four are

not good for you, especially if you want a flat belly in a week.
Dietary changes are definitely essential for those who aim to get rid of belly flab.

How To Help Obese Kids Lose Weight?

Balancing the calories your child consumes with the calories used up through physical activity is important in helping your child maintain a healthy weight. Obese children can

achieve healthy weight and growth with the help of their parents and family.

Stubborn Fat Areas

Almost everyone, male or female, has a “problem area” where they seem to deposit fat. Women want to know how to slim their thighs and how to get a flat stomach, while men want a “six pack”. Problem areas often tend to be the places that fat loss occurs last on, i.e. the last 10lbs. Research shows that regional fat loss depends on your sex (not your workout routine!).
In women the first place the fat is stored, tends to be the last place the fat comes off (unlike men).

How to Reduce Fat from the Thighs and Abdomen?

Some parts of the body make it harder to burn fat than others, and today we’re going to be talking about how to specifically target the thighs and abdomen. So if you want to be healthy and free from “fat rolls” in these areas, you need to be ready to invest a great deal of time, effort, and exercise.

Why You Should Walk, Not Run, Your Way To Fat Loss

Everyone agrees with the public health messages that call for regular, moderate exercise.  Walking briskly can be far more effective than running for losing weight. Here are the reasons: 

Eat These 5 Miracle Fruits To Reduce Belly Fat At Home

It’s not that you only need to indulge in lots of exercising to get that perfect tummy; there are lots of fruits to reduce belly fat. Did you already give up on your protruding tummy because your busy work schedule was taking a toll on you? This is exactly where you should stop giving up hope for there’s a lot that you can do to improve your situation. Ever wondered what has given you a flabby tummy? It’s been proven that sedentary work life is one of the primary reasons behind abdominal fat. And it just gets worse if you are stressed.

Tools for Determining Ideal Weight and Daily Calorie Requirement

Determining the acceptable range of the weight that is ok for you when other factors come into play like height becomes essential for a person to ensure that they are healthy. For this, there are few calculations which are used. They are as follows.

The 7 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

In case you are reading this article, then probably you should be someone who is trying to lose weight, but is unable to.
You hit the gym not once but twice a day. You have injected strict dieting into your regular routine. You have banned sugars, fats and most ‘unhealthy’ carbs. You have been solely surviving on fibre and water (I am personally happy water doesn’t contain fat. Or else, sigh)
You are kind of doing every possible thing under the sky to lose weight. But the flab just doesn’t go away.

You Should Stop These 5 Bad Habits After Meals

Habits are difficult to change and when it comes to bad habits, getting rid of them is even more difficult. There are several facts and myths associated with after eating habits. We know most of you must be torn between facts and myths and are tired of wondering which is true and which isn’t. You don’t have to keep worrying anymore because we are here to help you out. We will list out some of the worst habits that most of us indulge in after having a hearty meal. These habits are the worst abuses that you can do to your body and can cause extreme harm. Below is a list of some of those common mistakes that most do after having their meals.

Drink This Amazing Detox Drink For Fast Weight Loss

“How to lose weight?” is one of the most frequently asked questions among most of us. There are several effective ways that can help you in losing oodles of weight. However, are you the one who doesn’t get enough time to invest in workouts? If so then you are at the right place. Did you know that there are lots of healthy detox drink recipes for weight loss? We are not at all fooling around for having the right detox drinks can work wonders when it comes to reducing unwanted fat.

5 Most Effective Metabolic Tricks to Maximise Fat Burn

Weight loss isn’t an easy process; it takes time, effort and discipline. You need to stay motivated and keep telling yourself that you can do it. Because if you could gain those extra pounds, you can definitely work a little hard and lose the excess. First of all, remember that you have to work towards it. It cannot happen with you lying on your couch while munching away junk food. That’s just not possible. You will have to relook your food habits and your fitness regime. That’s because without a combination of these two, you cannot lose weight. The equation is simple – each day, you need to burn more fat than you consume. That’s it! If you do so, nothing can stop you from losing weight.

7 Ways to Naturally Tighten Skin After Weight Loss

Weight loss definitely brings about a huge difference in anyone’s life. It is definitely a moment worth celebrating. We are sure you are basking in the glory of fitting into your old clothes or going down a size for that perfect pair of jeans. However, it’s not that weight loss doesn’t come with side effects. Weight loss often leads to loose and saggy skin at various places and this can look really unflattering. Don’t start feeling disappointed because you lost that tightness of your skin because it can be got back easily if you pay heed to certain things. In this article, we will tell you about some of the most effective tips to tighten and tone your body after undergoing a considerable amount of weight loss.

What Happens To Our Body When We Lose Weight?

When someone is holding on to a diet, that person’s final goal is not to end up thin and sick 

but to lose weight in a healthy way. That can be achieved by following a balanced diet.

How diet is understood by the body?

10 Most Amazing Tips on How to Lose Weight Permanently

Nobody wants to be fat and overweight. This is a guaranteed fact for everyone wants to fit into those petite dresses and skirts. Now, losing weight is not difficult for there are several methods that can make you shed those flabs temporarily. Some might prescribe crash dieting, some might suggest detox diets, some might ask to hit the gym for a few months – the flip side is that, none of these methods are for the long run. These work as long as you are into them. The moment you stop them, your body would bounce back to its former self. Then what?

5 Simple Ways to Lose Tummy without Exercising

One of the most problem areas is our belly and we are constantly in search of simple ways to lose tummy without exercising. Ever wondered why is our belly the most problem area? This is because belly is where
most of the unwanted fats get deposited. Most of us tend to neglect our belly only to make things worse. Having a protruding belly is not only unflattering, getting rid of it can also be quite a task. Abdominal fat can also adversely affect you in the long run by leading to several health problems.

5 Proven Foods & 5 Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat Completely

Belly fat is one of the most common problems that most women face. Needless to say, if neglected, all that fat gets accumulated right in your belly. And who would love to have a protruding belly? Not only does abdominal fat look unflattering, it can also adversely affect your health in the long run.
In this article, we will focus on those exercises and foods that can reduce those fats from your belly. Remember, a slim waistline not only looks beautiful, it also improves your overall health. According to research, those with waist size of more than 33 inches are more prone to chronic heart diseases than those with a narrow waistline. I guess now you are motivated enough to slim it down.

Top 20 Zero Calorie Foods for Quick Weight Loss

Our eating habits govern our life and determine which direction our health would take. After all it comes down to what we eat. We cannot treat our body like a trashcan and expect it to perform perfectly with equal zeal and stamina. Whatever goes in stays there if we do not burn it out through physical activities. Needless to say, what we choose to eat is extremely important and we just cannot afford to binge and indulge in unhealthy foods on a daily basis. If done, we would end up being obese with a variety of diseases that nobody would want to have.


If you want to start your day with a healthy breakfast, there are the healthiest breakfast recipes ready in 5 min . Breakfast is very important meal of the day, and the energy is most required in the morning.


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